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very important!!!
- Registration and payment are two separate steps.
- Registration applies to all participants, while some speakers may be exempted from payment.
- Therefore, every speaker and attendee should sign up and complete the registration form.
- In case of co-authorship, only one participant should pay for registration. Therefore, only those participants who are required to pay the registration fee should move to the second step, which is payment.
Once a paper has been accepted, participants should proceed to register for the conference and pay the conference fees. Registration and payment will take place from October 1st to November 2nd (inclusive) for speakers and November 11th for attendees.
The conference fees are as follows:
Early-bird registration (until Oct. 25th) €110
Late registration (until Nov. 2nd) €140
Early-bird registration (until Oct. 25th) €40
Late registration (until Nov. 11th) €55
Reduced fee:
Speakers based in developing countries (Africa, Asia and Latin America) may apply for a fee reduction by getting in touch with the Organizing Committee after the acceptance of their proposal.
All attendees and speakers will be entitled to a certificate which will serve as evidence of their participation in the conference.
The conference fees are as follows:
Early-bird registration (until Oct. 25th) €110
Late registration (until Nov. 2nd) €140
Early-bird registration (until Oct. 25th) €40
Late registration (until Nov. 11th) €55
Reduced fee:
Speakers based in developing countries (Africa, Asia and Latin America) may apply for a fee reduction by getting in touch with the Organizing Committee after the acceptance of their proposal.
All attendees and speakers will be entitled to a certificate which will serve as evidence of their participation in the conference.